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Monday, March 31, 2008

A Quick View Of Different Surgical Procedures That Can Improve Your Appearance

Surgical procedures that are performed to enhance appearance are referred to as cosmetic surgery. In the 2003 alone, an estimated of 15 million individuals underwent cosmetic surgery: the main reason, to boost self esteem.

Even though health insurance rarely covers the cost of cosmetic procedures, the number of people undergoing cosmetic plastic surgery continues to flourish.

Here Are Some Surgical Procedures:

1. Facelifts.

With age, the skin’s soft tissues lose their “elasticity”. Gravity then allows the skin to loosen and show sagging and deep lines which make you appear old and tired. Facelifts and other isolated cosmetic methods offer both women and men a younger and more vibrant look as well as an improved outlook.

2. Blepharoplasty.

Also referred to as eyelid surgery, is done to correct the “tired look” of eyes brought about by excess drooping skin from the upper eyelids and “bagginess” of the lower eyelids.

3. Facial Implants.

Are a stable or lasting technique that creates proportion and balance to the face. For instance, a withdrawing chin can be corrected through a “chin implant”, or a “sunken” appearance of the face can be corrected through cheek implants. You can also enhance thin lips through lip implants.

4. Rhinoplasty.

Also referred to as “nose reshaping” is the alteration or improvement of the nose by changing its’ shape by surgical means. Generally, rhinoplasty is performed to eliminate bumps on the nose’s bridge area, to straighten a crooked nose, lift a small nose, or reduce a “bulbous” tip.

5. Ear surgery.

Also known as otoplasty, is generally done to correct abnormally protruding ears. Usually, if only one ear protrudes both ears undergo surgery to attain balance. Otoplasty is also performed to reduce the size of large ears.

6. Eyebrow lift.

This is performed for patients who want their eyelids and eyes enhanced.

7. Neck Lift.

This is performed to reduce sagging and lines or can be done as part of a total “face lift” procedure.

If You Decide To Have Cosmetic Surgery, Keep These Guidelines In Mind:

- With cosmetic surgery, less is better. Too frequently “facelifts” result in a distorted and unnatural appearance.

- Make certain that your surgeon is “board certified” and experienced in his field. Research well before deciding.

- The risk is greater when surgery will be done in a clinic rather than in the hospital.

- Before deciding to undergo cosmetic surgery, give your skin a few months to try skin rejuvenation topical treatments because the results can be dramatic and may change your mind about cosmetic surgery.

Celebrate a new you after your surgery; your appearance is certain to be enhanced, giving you greater self confidence with which to face the world!

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