Polarity therapy is a technique that is based off the human energy field, which is comprised of the electromagnetic patterns expressed in mental, emotional, and physical responses. When someone is sick, it is said that their human energy field is in bad condition, and thus needs to be repaired through polarity therapy. Using energy-based bodywork, exercise, dieting, and self-awareness, polarity therapy is said to give the body a strong human energy field, and thus make it healthier.
Polarity therapy was first practiced by Randolph Stone, who published a total of seven works by 1954 that spoke of his findings in his research into using energy in the healing arts. He found that the human energy field is affected by touch, diet, movement, sound, attitudes, relationships, life experiences, trauma, and environmental factors. He applied his findings and theories during his medical career in Chicago and had tremendous success with the majority of his patients. After his retirement, some of Stone's students carried on his work and in 1984 the American Polarity Therapy Association was formed, Ever since then, polarity therapy has become an increasingly used form of medicine and has also become more diverse than when it was first thought up.
The energy of a person is supposed to flow smoothly and clearly. When it does so, a person is said to be healthy. However, blockages in the flow of energy can occur due to stress or other factors. When this happens, a body will become less healthy and pain and illness will occur. Polarity therapy looks for these blockages and attempts to get rid of them, allowing energy to flow freely once again and for health in a person to be restored. A typical polarity therapy session takes anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half. During this time, various forms of touch and verbal interactions occur. The practitioner will use all degrees of touch on the client, whether it is light or firm, in order to help muscles relax, which is a great stress fighter. Also, the practitioner will try and make the client more self aware of the energy in his or her body, allowing the client to try and make the energy flow more smoothly himself.
Polarity therapy has been an excellent cure for many people, and often has great success in the realm of stress relief. After a therapy session, a person will generally feel more relaxed and happier. It's a great way to relieve tension and bring about a stronger sense of self-being
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